The Arica Nine Hypergnostic Systems™ Group Training
February 17 - March 2, 2024
Join us for a two-week intensive meditation and philosophy training. Cut through layers of obscuration to experience your natural state of mind. Enjoy the fellowship that comes from doing spiritual work in a group of dedicated practitioners. Produce a beautiful state of mind. Advance quickly and efficiently through total immersion in a consistent spiritual practice while in a dedicated setting.
The Nine Hypergnostic Systems Group Training (9HS) explores the nine primary physiological (and psychological) systems of a human being. Since the natural functioning of these nine systems are, through time, obscured by trauma, conditioning and attachment that begins in our childhood and manifests throughout our life, the result is a subjective ego process that consumes our energy and blocks the natural and spontaneous expression of our true essential self. In 9HS we clarify these ego processes and connect with a deeper, objective part of ourselves through physical exercises and meditations that increase our vital energy and our innate ability to focus, contemplate, and have a life of equanimity and balance.
The result of taking these trainings is the establishment of the Witness and clarification of the path to freedom from self-imposed suffering and limitations. This training will provide the understanding, experience, and tools to greatly advance the attainment of self-realization for the benefit of all.