Prema Love
Prema Love is an Internationally touring / recording artist & Sacred Sound Alchemist & Lives on Maui HI. She was born into a musical family and is the grand daughter of vocalist Larry Dean of the Lawrence Welk show. Prema has had the honor of singing for 3 of the Divine Mother Saints Of India including; Amma the Hugging Saint, Amma Sri Karunamayi, & Shree Ma’s. Prema has performed at Agape International, Shakti Fest, Bhakti Fest, Bali Spirit Fest, Prana Fest, Mana Fest, Hawaii Yoga Festival & many other conscious music events & festivals. Some other highlights include opening for Kirtan artist WAH, Prabhu Nam Kaur & performing with 12 Time Grammy award nominee & multi platinum selling pianist & composer Peter Kater. Prema’s passion is traveling to sacred sites in nature around the globe & collaborating with other musicians. She is eternally inspired by the Divine Mother and here to honor & uplift the Divine Feminine in all. Her Souls Mission is to co create conscious community though the pure healing love that comes though her heart opening music.