Annett Zupke

Annett has been working with international groups for 20 years on cross cultural communication. In the past 9 years, her work has been mainly grounded in the spirit of NVC and she is certified with the CNVC. As a trainer and conflict coach/mediator she worked in a wide spectrum of environments (corporate, NGOs, schools, prisons, spiritual groups, couples, families…)
Her passion lies in creating spaces where people can move through grievances for deeper connection with self, others and life itself. She has facilitated healing circles in different contexts such as schools and universities after incidents of suicide and sexual abuse as well as in an international grass roots online community after an escalated conflict required deep listening for re-weaving connection and trust.
About eight years ago, she learned about Restorative Circles as developed in Brasil and found her way to Restorative Justice. As a facilitator of restorative dialogues, her work now often comprises working with both sides, survivors and offenders alike as well as their respective communities.
In 2012 she worked for the German documentary Beyond Punishment and recently supported the U.S./German documentary To Germany with Love, both films dealing with people on both ends of murder.
Annett’s passion lies in the transformational power of NVC, the exploration of conflicts and how to move through them knowing that they are just another portal to deeper connection and the holding spaces for dialogues where the power of vulnerability can unfold. Together with colleagues in Germany, she leads several residential workshops on NVC and Living Compassion to create learning environments where depth, playfulness, compassion, laughter and tears can flow easily. She loves traveling, being in nature and with friends and family.