Amara Karuna

In 1989, she developed her own approach to peer counseling, called Holistic Peer Counseling integrating peer counseling with spiritual meditation practices, psychic healing, breath work and body centered techniques.
She began studying Tantra and Sacred Spot work, a method of sexual healing, on Maui in 2003, and has since studied 6 different methods of pelvic bodywork. She has taught Sacred Pelvic Healing Work, and led Tantra Pujas since 2007.
She is the author of the pictoral guide “Sacred Pelvic Healing Massage Practice Manual”, and offers Yoni and Lingam Massage DVDs to students for practicing at home.
Amara developed Heartbeat Nurturing Therapy, a method of healing the inner infant-self using cradling, hypnotic induction and suckling to address emotional issues stemming from lack of breast feeding & loving closeness as an infant. She is the author of “Heartbeat Nurturing Therapy- Healing Our Hearts Together“.