Amie Bandy

Amie has a BS in Agronomy from Purdue University, and she is a Certified Crop Advisor and a Crop Consultant in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and Minnesota.
After qualifying in production management at New Northrup King in Lone Tree, Iowa, she advanced to Seed Stock Production for Syngenta in Washington, Iowa. She has worked in the private agriculture sector for over twenty-five years and has six years of experience in commercial seed corn and seed stock production.
Amie is the founder and CEO of The Crop Advisor Consulting Company. She has specialized in scouting, soil balancing and biologic management, plant tissue analysis and plant insect and disease management since her company’s inception in 1996.
Amie has worked with over 300 clients including small and independent seed companies, small and moderate sized fertilizer companies, farm managers, other crop consultants, and small and large farm business owners.
Amie is obsessed with innovating new ways to advance and enhance crop yields. She efficiently, effectively, and accurately scouts and helps advance strategic business and agronomic ideas. She advises, provides training, and coaches growers in key farm growth, yield enhancement, disease prevention, crop management, and change. Amie works with both conventional and organic farm operations to enhance yield while balancing soil and crop nutrition and diminishing disease and insects. She also helps to transition conventional farms into organic production.
Amie has spoken at the National No-Till Convention on Goss’s Wilt in Corn and BRT Ag and Turf on scouting, soils and field fundamentals.
When Amie isn’t working, you can find her exploring new environments, reading, or creating various forms of stained, warm or hot glass. She has found that the interaction of elements like calcium, sodium and potassium influences liquid silica in a similar manner to plants. She finds it intriguing that the micronutrient coloring in glass is similar to the way a plant expresses deficiencies
Amie is a member of IICCA Crop Consultants and has been a certified crop consultant since 1999. She is also the co-president of the National League of American Pen Women (Iowa City Branch) and a member of the University Women’s Club Writers’ Group.