Shahn McGuire

Shahn is a licensed marriage and family therapist who has been practicing for over 20 years. Along her professional journey, she has evolved into a teacher of personal transformation and helping sensitive souls grow into their highest potential. Through extensive training at the Wellness Institute in Issaquah, Washington, she has added Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychodrama, and Breathwork to her practice. She uses these tools to assist clients and fellow therapists in deepening their own growth and healing through transpersonal group work and professional training programs. As she continues to grow and expand both spiritually and professionally, she shares what she learns with everyone she encounters. Other modalities she incorporates to further understanding, healing and spiritual growth include energetic hygiene, meditation, subtle energy, and RoHun.
Shahn is a compassionate and gentle teacher who is passionate about service and sharing her precious heart with those whom she encounters, whether it’s in her office, in a workshop or retreat, or teaching at the Wellness Institute. She is creative and enjoys yoga, chanting, and playful ways of expressing herself. She and her sweet musician husband live on a little island in the Pacific Northwest.