Lori Grace, MA, LMT

Lori Grace is founder and executive director of Sunrise Center. She has a strong background in many body-centered therapies, among them Aikido centering work, Biogenergetics, Tantra yoga, NLP, breath work, massage and movement therapy. She has combined her experience in these fields with her background in NVC to create Embodied Compassionate Communication. In her life, body-centered awareness and role-playing have contributed greatly to Lori in becoming fluent in Compassionate Communication, being more empathetic and having more peace and harmony in her life.
Lori has found that the supportive energetic practices that she has taught as a Tantra teacher for twenty years help with being grounded when communicating. The same practices also help a person feel more energy when self-pleasuring and making love. Lori will be available at this retreat for private sessions after the retreat for people who really want to become fluent in these energetic breathing practices that will help them whether they are communicating, self-pleasuring or making love.
Lori has a private practice in Embodied Compassionate Communication. She can be reached at 415-847 5950 call or text.
Lori runs the nonprofit Sunrise Center throughout the office in Corte Madera. She has found that Compassionate Communication which the Sunrise Center staff has trained in in addition to the Hale Akua staff helps people communicate much better and work together in a more productive way. She invites people to study Embodied Compassionate Communication with her in the upcoming retreat in Maui as well as back in California to enhance their relationships with their families, lovers and business associates and to have a more productive and joyful environment in their businesses.